Author: agvictor

how to cure dropsy in catfish

How to Cure Dropsy in Catfish

In today’s post, you will learn how to cure dropsy in catfish. Let me quickly say that dropsy is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying disease in fish. If the underlying...

Difference Between Earthen Pond And Concrete Pond

Difference Between Earthen Pond And Concrete Pond

Welcome back. In today’s post, we will be looking at the difference between earthen pond and concrete pond as regards their cost, durability etc. Remember that this post is not meant for comparison of...

make catfish grow faster and bigger

How to Make Catfish Grow Faster and Bigger

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to make your catfish grow faster and bigger in Nigeria! You are at the right place if you are a catfish farmer or considering entering the catfish...

catfish breeding practices

5 Best Catfish Breeding Practices for Beginners

Are you a beginner catfish farmer in Nigeria looking to maximize your breeding success? In this post, we will uncover the best catfish breeding practices and strategies to help you achieve good results. From...

Benefits of Catfish Farming in Nigeria

8 Benefits Of Catfish Farming You May Not Know

If you intend to venture into catfish business but are not sure about the benefits of catfish farming, this post is designed to help you with such information. Every business has its ups and...

Best Catfish Feed Formula in Nigeria

3 Best Catfish Feed Formulas in Nigeria

Welcome bag to this tutorial site. In today’s post, we have put together what we consider the best catfish feed formulas In Nigeria for your fish to thrive. The idea is to provide you...

How To Control Flood In Earthen Pond

How To Control Flood In Earthen Pond For Catfish Farming

Like every other business, catfish farming has its challenges. Fish farmers sometimes encounter heartbreaking disasters, especially when using earthen ponds. In this post, we will show you ways to control floods in an earthen...

best time to feed catfish

What Is The Best Time To Feed Catfish?

Many farmers have been complaining about the quantity of feed they waste while trying to feed their catfish. This has necessitated this write-up on “What is the best time to feed catfish” Understand that...

Challenges in Catfish Farming in Nigeria

Top 6 Challenges In Catfish Farming In Nigeria

Catfish farming is one of the best and fast money-spinning businesses in the 21st century. However, farmers still have challenges in catfish farming in terms of scaling up their business. Despite the challenges involved...

Catfish Farming Facts

10 Catfish Farming Facts You Probably Did Not Know

Catfish farming is an important industry that provides high-quality protein to consumers around the world. It has also gained popularity, especially in Africa where many have ventured into the business as their main source...